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6 common causes of delivery truck accidents

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There’s no doubt that you’ve seen your fair share of delivery trucks in your neighborhood this holiday season. In fact, if you’re reading this blog post, you or a loved one may have come closer to one of these vehicles than you ever wanted. If that’s the case, you’re probably…

How dangerous are the Georgia roads you drive on?

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Whether you live in a quiet, rural neighborhood where people still head out for evening strolls and sit on their porches after supper, or your home is in the heart of a busy Georgia metropolis, chances are you get behind the wheel of your car to navigate highways on a…

5 things to check before you go on a road trip

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Road trips are a great way to travel. However, these trips require careful planning and preparation as they can take several hours or even days. To make the most out of the experience, you should check that your car doesn’t have any problems that could lead to an unwanted accident.…

It’s possible to fall asleep at the wheel

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When driving, it’s easy to believe you’ll remain alert and on your toes at all times. However, just because you’re behind the wheel doesn’t mean you can’t become tired. Every year, thousands of Americans fall asleep at the wheel. While some are able to avoid trouble, others end up causing an accident.…