Auto Accident

Uninsured / Underinsured Motorists

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Injured In An Accident With An Uninsured Or Underinsured Driver? Although Georgia state law requires that all motorists prove their financial ability to pay for personal injury or property damage in the event of an auto accident by purchasing insurance, many drivers simply ignore this obligation. Still others choose to…

Insurance Claims

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Guiding You Though Auto Accident Insurance Claims Every year, thousands of car and auto accident victims are denied the full compensation to which they are entitled. It is standard practice for insurance companies to first offer victims small settlements. Too often innocent auto accident victims, acting without consulting an experienced…

Auto Accident Liability

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Auto Accident Liability Fault is one of the biggest, if not the most critical element, in any auto accident lawsuit . The at-fault party, the motorist whose negligence caused the collision, can be held liable for the injuries of victims. However, determining auto accident liability is not always easy and…

Rear-End Accidents / Whiplash

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Rear-End Accidents And Whiplash Cases According to a number of studies, driver distraction is the number one cause of auto accidents in the United States. In addition to traditional avenues for distraction – eating, disciplining children, tuning the radio, cell phone usage, and putting on makeup – many newer model…