Personal Injury

Impaired Drivers

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Injured By An Impaired Driver? “Driving while intoxicated” (DWI) and “driving under the influence” (DUI) are common terms, but they refer not only to drinking and driving. DWI and DUI can also mean that a driver was operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of an illegal drug, such…

Railroad Crossing Accidents

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Train And Railroad Crossing Accident Lawyers In Atlanta According to Operation Lifesaver, an international non-profit organization dedicated to reducing train and railroad crossing accidents, approximately every two hours a person or vehicle is struck by a train in the United States. This danger is not likely to go away as…

Pedestrian Accidents

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Helping The Injured After A Pedestrian Accident According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 64,000 pedestrians were injured and 4,881 killed in auto accidents during 2005. Tragically, children are more likely to be involved in pedestrian accidents; the NHTSA reports that children age 15 or younger account…

Bicycle Accidents

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Atlanta, Georgia, Bicycle Accident Lawyers According to the NHTSA, there were 45,000 bicycle accident injuries and nearly 1,000 deaths in 2005. Furthermore, bicyclists under age 16 accounted for 35 percent of bicycle accident victims. Due to the low level of physical protection afforded to bicyclists, even the most skilled rider…