Auto Accident

Bicycle Accidents

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Atlanta, Georgia, Bicycle Accident Lawyers According to the NHTSA, there were 45,000 bicycle accident injuries and nearly 1,000 deaths in 2005. Furthermore, bicyclists under age 16 accounted for 35 percent of bicycle accident victims. Due to the low level of physical protection afforded to bicyclists, even the most skilled rider…

Bus Accidents

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Atlanta Lawyers Helping Victims Of Bus Accidents As traffic congestion and the price of gasoline increases, more and more people are turning to mass transportation. Buses serve as a convenient means of transportation for thousands of Metro Atlanta residents every day. Tragically, each year bus accidents cause serious personal injury,…

ATV Accidents

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ATV Accident Lawyers In Atlanta According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 113,900 ATV-related injury victims required emergency room care during 2002. Nearly 500 people are killed in ATV accident annually. Furthermore, 30 percent of ATV accidents involve children. Due to the low level of physical protection afforded to ATV…

Motorcycle Accidents

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Protecting The Injured After A Motorcycle Accident Motorcycles are a popular form of transportation on Georgia’s roads, but there are undeniable risks associated with riding a motorcycle. Motorcyclists need to know the laws that apply to their preferred mode of transportation, and they need to have access to expert attorneys…